Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Chrismas Day

It's Christmas day! The boys got up at just after 4am this morning. We sent them back to bed...told them the sugar plums would be done dancing closer to 7:30.
The stocking were hung by the blah blah blah

Grandpa got a shirt.

Grandma got a trip to Europe.

Mama got some bling.

I got a bottle of diet Coke.

Chris got a pending broken leg.
And Jake just helped himself.

We had our traditional steak and champagne breakfast.

Nothing like a noon-day hangover.

Monday, December 24, 2007

More Christmas Eve

Well it's getting close to the time when the jolly old elf drops down the chimney. Mama doesn't know whether to be excited .
or sexy.
But with any luck more on that later.

The kids spent the day making cookies to leave out for Santa.

First the cookies need to be cut and baked.

Then it's time to invite a bunch of friends over to install the icing.

I hope Santa has a sweet tooth.
OK, a couple of cute ones of Sarah holding Karen...I couldn't resist.

It's Christmas Eve!

It's Christmas Eve and the kids are hopped up with sugar fueled Santa anticipation. I may put them work re-shingling the house this afternoon.

Anyways...here is our 2007 Hoyles Family Slide Show

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Moon shoes and Gingerbread

Sarah spent some time playing with her moon shoes today.
Always a good photo-op. Just remember to stay out of her way.

Then we built the yearly gingerbread houses.

Mama did most of the work.

But the kids put on the finishing touches.

Friday, December 21, 2007

Musical Christmas

We let the kids open their Christmas gifts from close friends today.
They all got "sweet potatoes". For those who are not familiar with the musical form of a sweet potato they are like a recorder and not at all like the musical yam which is much more flute-like .

The kids know how to play recorders so they sound ok when played individually.
As a trio however...

Well at least they have not gotten the tasers that they asked Santa for yet.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Pre-Christmas stuff

We made our annual Christmas cookie deliveries this evening. The kids had a good time putting on the hats and playing Santa.

Then we played some Wii. Nobody can beat Papa. Many try...none succeed.

The tongue out strategy was working for a while for Sarah. But it didn't last long.

She should tie the remote to her foot.

Chris is teaching Cathy to read.

And granny knits.